Automotive: FOWLER

Overview: We launched Fowler into a high-ranking brand position, competing with other well-established companies guiding their customers to make a sound major purchase with the top automotive sales company in the state. 

Deliverable Inclusions: Brand Positioning, Campaigns, Content Strategy, Creative, Messaging, Paid Media, Video Production

What We Did: The campaigns were a multi-channel effort built on traditional TV and digital branding. Exposure began to increase from there with ongoing paid and organic reach with full complement of the automotive dealers' materials. Since launch with the key content mix, Fowler reached national recognition for “out-of-the-box” creative by national networks such as ESPN, Comedy Central, CNN, FOX SPORTS, and the BBC. 

Long Lasting View: New visual identity for the Fowler Automotive brand has allowed them to rank at the #1 spot in Oklahoma for new car sales for most of all 9 auto manufacture brands making them a force to be reckoned with for the past two decades.

Fowler Toyota – Bad Deals

Fowler Toyota – Little Chad

Fowler Toyota Johnny Savings

Fowler Toyota Stevens Family

Fowler Honda – Invasion

Fowler Toyota Mountain Man

Fowler Toyota – Coach Gundy Spoof Gone Viral


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