Casino Case Study
Black Hawk Casino – 2021/2022 vs 2019/2021
Background: Skyline had been doing the production for The Black Hawk Casino for several years. We spoke with the client about digital marketing and how we recommended incorporating it into their advertising strategy. We began the digital marketing campaign for The Black Hawk Casino in July of 2020 and maintained that through June of 2022 until the casino changed GMs and decided to pull everything in-house. The goal for that period was to have outside-the-box creative coupled with enhanced targeting that would drive in more players.
The objectives of this campaign were to increase website traffic, increase social media engagement, and to increase coin in at the casino.
There were many metrics that we looked at when it came to creating this campaign. We pulled demographic and geographic information for overall players, high-impact players, and high-end players. We also defined each of those players, determined the average visits per year, average spend per visit, and average spend per year. We then created goals to increase not only the amount of high-impact and high-end players, but also increase the average spend per visit. In addition to researching the current database and creating look-alike audiences, we researched local competition as well, created brand surveys, and created competitive surveys.
Campaign Results:
38.74% Increase in new users
41.47% Increase in users
12.04% Increase in session
62% Increase in calls
41% Increase in direction requests
All while improving bounce rate and keeping time spent on site at :57
The client said that these were the best two years the casino ever had in regard to coin-in.